Southshore: (504) 831-7778
Northshore: (985) 845-7088

Home Health Articles

Pulse Home Health Care has periodically mailed research-based bulletins to doctors in New Orleans and the surrounding parishes. Here we feature a few of those physician-oriented articles.

Cardiac Rehabilitation Rates Less than 13% among Medicare Beneficiaries

Photo of cardiac rehabilitation in New Orleans Despite strong evidence showing the positive effects of cardiac rehabilitation, only 12.2% of these Medicare beneficiaries used such a program. Those who did use cardiac rehabilitation experienced 21% to 34% improvements in mortality rates . . .

Instructing the Elderly Patient: Challenges & Solutions

Photo of a home health nurse in New Orleans and an elderly patient Only small portions of Louisiana’s senior population are frail, sick, or idle. It is a myth that the elderly are resistant to change, largely senile, or unable to learn new tasks. However, it is clear to any healthcare professional responsible for giving instructions to geriatric patients that they often learn more slowly than other adults. Following, we will discuss some of the characteristics of geriatric patients that impair the ability to quickly absorb important information.

Home Visits Detect 62% More Medication Discrepancies

Photo of a home health nurse in New Orleans helping a patient with medications A study published in the September issue of the Journal of Nursing Care Quality finds that adding in-home nurse visits to the medication reconciliation program detects 62% more medication discrepancies. Medication discrepancies rank as a serious problem for millions of adults post hospital discharge. . .

Order Us to Help Manage Telephone Calls to Your Office

Photo of a home health nurse in New Orleans answering the phone 23% of after-hours calls to the doctor’s office were made by 0.6% of that office’s patient panel. Identifying patients who call more than once over the same or similar issue and connecting them with enhanced care options can have two important benefits . . .
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